Transect Mendoza - Valparaíso
Mendoza - Potrerillos - Guido - Uspallata - Puente del Inca - Las Cuevas - Portillo - Los Andes - Santiago de Chile - Valparaíso

Aerial view of Cerro Aconcagua, with a summit elevation of 6962 m the highest mountain in the world located outside of Asia

Here you can select the system-level contributions and the points of interest related to the transect Mendoza - Valparaíso. Make yourself familiar with the systems before starting to explore the individual points of interest where you can elaborate more detailed pieces of information.
by Teresa Doppler, Tina Gneist, Simone Helmer, Thomas Lindinger, Peter Mathis, Simon Schmidthaler and Magdalena Steiner