Besides Isla Amantaní and some others, Taquile is one of the islands in the Peruvian part of Lake Titicaca. With a summit elevation of 4050 m, it rises up to approx. 240 m above the lake surface. Isla Taquile shows many similarities to the larger Isla Amantaní nearby in terms of culture, terraced farmlands, and community-based tourism. More than 2000 people live on a surface of 5.7 square kilometres, divided into 6 sectors or communities. The main village is located at an elevation of approx. 3950 m asl. The title image shows the central square of this village during a celebration known as the Fiesta de Santiago. People from all over the island meet at the plaza at this occasion. They wear their traditional clothes, play music and dance. Hand-made textiles are offered to visitors at the market Feria Artesanal around the plaza. But there is much more to see on Isla Taquile, including a nice beach and a unique repartition of work between women and men.
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The various facets of Isla Taquile
Hand-woven textiles and clothing produced on the island of Taquile are often considered to be among the finest of the country. Knitting is the responsibility of the males, who learn this technique in their early boyhood. The women, in contrast, spin wool and dye it by using vegetables and minerals. Also the Chumpis, wide belts worn by most Taquileños, are woven by the women.
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Can you find all ten words related to Isla Taquile as well as some of its places, characteristic features, activities, and products? Look for them in the crossword and formulate a sentence with each word. Note that the words can be written in Spanish, English, or the indigenous Quechua language.
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Web site of Munay Taquile [Acess source]
Wikipedia article on Isla Taquile [Acess source]
Movie The Andes give, the Andes take with sequence on Lake Titicaca including Isla Taquile [Access movie]
This contribution was revised and extended by Martin Mergili.